Kino Installation Guide
From Knoesis wiki
The following steps gives a brief overview of installing a Kino indexer locally
- Tomcat (Version 5.5 upwards) or other compatible servlet container (The following instructions are primarily for the installation in Tomcat versions 5.5 and 6.0)
Install SOLR
Kino needs a SOLR installation. This is simply getting the SOLR source code from the SOLR Website and getting the deployed according to the instructions at SOLR tutorial. The following configuration is important.
- SOLR home needs to be pointed to the SOLR home folder provided with the source code. This can be done in various ways. If you are installing SOLR in tomcat, take a look at SOLR Tomcat guide for instructions on setting the SOLR Home.
Install Kino
- Download the source code (See Downloads section)
- Get the URL of your SOLR server. This could be something like
- Change the web.xml to point to your SOLR installation. The web.xml entry looks like the following
<init-param> <description>Endpoint of the solr server</description> <param-name>solr-endpoint</param-name> <param-value>http://localhost:8080/apache-solr-1.4.1/</param-value> </init-param>
- Generate the war file. To do this, run the ant build with the dist argument
ant dist
- Deploy the generated war file. This step depends on your servlet container. For Tomcat you can either copy the war file to the relevant webapps directory or use the manager application.