RDF Graph Model

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RDF Graph Model

We propose a new formal model for representing any set of RDF triples as mathematical graphs.


Triple Subject Predicate Object
T1 BobDylan isMarriedTo SaraLownds
T2 BarackObama isMarriedTo MichelleObama
T3 isMarriedTo rdfs:subPropertyOf isSpouseOf
T4 BobDylan isSpouseOf SaraLownds
T5 BarackObama isSpouseOf MichelleObama

For the set of RDF triples in the table above, we explain how each approach represents them in the graph.

The NLAN model

This figure demonstrates the currently recommended approach for representing RDF triples as a node-labeled arc-node diagram

The BI model

This figure demonstrates the bipartite graph model approach for representing RDF triples as a graph


The LDM model

This figure demonstrates the new approach for representing RDF triples as a labeled directed multigraph

More complex examples

Singleton_Property approach to representing

This figure demonstrates the new approach for representing a more complex fact as a labeled directed multigraph

Empirical studies

RDF Datasets

Degree distributions