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What is OntoCAT?

OntoCAT is a framework for dynamic web form creation that assists biologists in creating their own forms. This framework will allow biologists to create their own forms without needing the guidance of a computer scientist. The lack of dependency means that biologists will only need to have an ontology on their domain, and they can create their own form specifically for their data.

How does it work?

OntoCAT uses a given ontology to allow biologists to select specific triples that they want in the form as data fields. These triples, and eventually any given data, are stored in a triple store for future retrieval and editing. Storing the data in triples allows it to be queried using SPARQL queries.

Tarleton Web Forms

The Tarleton Web Forms are web forms developed specifically for the Tarleton Research Group. These forms are static forms that store given data in RDF format to allow for easier querying through SPARQL.