Mobicloud tutorial

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Hello World Tutorial

This tutorial covers the creation of a Hello world application. This application has

  1. A minimal model with only one attribute.
  2. A minimal controller with two actions.
  3. Two minimal views demonstrating a simple user interface.
Basic MobiCloud Tutorial : Creating a Hello World Application

What does the 'Hello World' do ?

Similar to other hello worlds, this one does nothing fancy, except illustrate the use of the language and the major components of the generated code. This hello world has

  1. A mobile UI with a textbox and a button to fetch a greeting
  2. A back-end application with a database that stores a set of greetings.

The actions are adding a greeting and displaying the stored set of greetings.

The create process requires

  1. Getting the users greeting through a mobile UI component.
  2. Encoding the values in XML and sending it to the server.
  3. Decoding the values in the server and constructing the appropriate date object.
  4. storing the greeting data object in the database.

The retrieve process requires

  1. passing the request to the server to fetch the greeting
  2. fetching the greeting from the database
  3. encoding the values in XML and sending it to the mobile device
  4. decoding the values in the mobile side and displaying it in the UI

Automated deployment with Google App Engine

Basic MobiCloud Tutorial : Automated deployment of the Google App Engine Application