Mobicloud text tutorial

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This is a tutorial for the MobiCloud graphical composer, in the traditional form, i.e. in HTML with pictures. If you want to see a video tutorial, check out the video tutorial page .


The code generators Web UI is a graphical composer interface to generate DSL specifications in the MobiCloud DSL. More information on the MobiCloud DSL can be found in the MobiCloud paper in Cloudcom 2010. This tutorial follows the building of an illustrative application to show the capabilities of the composer.

Scope and Applicability

  • The composer supports the basic MobiCloud specification. The current version does not support extensions.
  • The composer only generates the DSL specification and the code for the targeted platforms. Compiling the generated code requires the relevant SDKs and the IDE setup.

Important UI components

Figure xx illustrates the most important components of the UI. The toolbox has the Mobicloud-ui-labeled.png