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Scenarios (1 & 2)

Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Query Type Is the document snippet sharing specific information on the use of Buprenorphine in dosages exceeding 4mg daily? Is the document snippet discuss discuss negative sentiments (or experiences) towards Buprenorphine use by an individual?
Specific Query buprenorphine dosage excess 4mg daily buprenorphine bad experience
User Defined Query
daily buprenorphine dosage > 4mg buprenorphine side effect
using bupe more than 4mg side effects for buprenorphine
buprenorphine dosage excess 4mg daily side effect for buprenophine | bup | bupe | bupes | suboxone
buprenorphine dosage more than 4mg daily buprenorphine bad experience
buprenorphine dosage over 4mg daily "buprenorphine" "horrible experience"
(buprenorphine OR bup) dosage daily ("above 4mg" OR "over 4mg" OR "more than 4mg") "buprenorphine" "horrible"
"buprenorphine" ("horrible" OR "side effect")
"buprenorphine" ("bad experience" OR "side effect")

Our System

  1. Upon access to the interface. Please select the third data source in the list, if not selected by default.
  2. Then carefully browse the dropdownlist and select the ontology nonterminal class (ENTITY)
    1. Scroll through the dropdownlist and select the entity Buprenorphine
  3. Next select the nonterminal PRONOUN
    1. Again carefully scroll through the dropdownlist and select the nonterminal PERSONAL_PRONOUN


Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Scenario 4