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Note that complete details on the Annotation Query Language (AQL) are available on the IBM website. We summarize some of the queries used specifically in our work here.

Annotation Query Language

create dictionary periodDeterminer as
	'ago', 'prior', 'previous', 
	'since', 'now', 'next', 
	'last', 'later',
	'about', 'around', 
	'before', 'after',
	'few', 'couple',
create dictionary Buprenorphine_dict as 
       'Buprel', 'Buprenex', 
       'Buprenorphine analgesic', 
       'Buprenorphine opioid dependence', 'Probuphine', 
       'Suboxone', 'Suboxone film', 
       'Suboxone tablet', 'Subs', 
       'Subutex', 'Temgesic', 
       'film', 'films', 'strip', 
       'sub', 'tecs', 'tex',
create view Buprenorphine_view as 
   dictionaries 'Buprenorphine_dict'
   on D.text as buprenorphine
   from Document D;
create dictionary demonstrative_pronoun_dict as 
   'this', 'that', 
   'these', 'those'	
create dictionary personal_pronoun_dict as 
   'i', 'me','you',
create dictionary possessive_pronoun_dict as 
   'my', 'your',
   'our', 'ours', 'your','yours',
   'his','her', 'hers',
create dictionary reflexive_pronoun_dict as 
   'myself', 'ourselves',
create dictionary relative_pronoun_dict as 
  'that', 'which', 'who', 'whom', 'whose',
  'whichever', 'whoever', 'whomever'
create dictionary interrogative_pronoun_dict as 
   'what', 'who', 'whom', 'which', 'whose'
create dictionary indefinite_pronoun_dict as 
    'anybody', 'anyone','anything',
    'neither','nobody','no one','nothing','one',
create view Pronounview as 
     'personal_pronoun_dict' and 'relative_pronoun_dict' and 
     'demonstrative_pronoun_dict' and  'indefinite_pronoun_dict' and 
     'reflexive_pronoun_dict' and 'interrogative_pronoun_dict' and  
    on D.text as match
from Document D;