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CEVO: Comprehensive Event Ontology

Abstract Description While the general analysis of named entities has received substantial research attention, the analysis of relations over named entities has not. In fact, literature review of works on unstructured data as well as structured data revealed a deficiency in research on abstract conceptualization to organize relations. We believe that such an abstract conceptualization can benefit various communities and applications such as natural language processing, information extraction and ontology engineering. In this paper, we present CEVO (i.e., a comprehensive event ontology) that is built upon Levin's conceptual hierarchy of English verbs. This conceptual hierarchy categorizes verbs with the shared meaning or behavior. We present the fundamental concepts and requirements for this ontology. Furthermore, we present three use cases for demonstrating the benefits of this ontology on annotation tasks. The first use case concerns annotating relations in plain text. The second one annotates ontological properties of a background data model. The third one links textual relations to properties of the background data model.

CEVO Ontology

Use Cases

Use Case 1: Annotating Relations in Text

CEVO can promote annotating relations in plain text. Figure in below shows two headline news on Twitter. The first tweet was published by BBC and the second one was published by New York Times. Tweet #1 is headed by the verb announce and the tweet#2 is headed by the verb say. Both of these tweets are similar in the sense that a message is transferred. Annotating these two tweets via CEVO enables us to obtain the same tag communication for both of these verbs, whereas the two verbs announce and say do no hold lexical relations such as synonymy.


Use Case 2: Annotating Properties of Ontologies

CEVO can be utilized for annotating properties of any ontology. One way of providing such an annotation is using the Web Annotation Data Model (WADM, W3C Working Draft 15 October 2015, [1]) which is a framework for expressing annotations.

A WADM annotation has two elements (i) a target which indicates the resource being annotated and (ii) the body which indicates the description. 
Annotating properties of various ontologies according to CEVO addresses integration and alignment problems.

Assume that we have the property <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/spouse> from DBpedia ontology that represents the relation of marrying that is semantically equivalent to the class CEVO:Amalgamate.

The annotation of this property is presented in Turtle syntax using WADM framework as follows:

Use case 3: Linking Relations