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Storm is an open-source computing platform that provides a set of language-agnostic primitives to perform distributed computation on real-time data. Storm performs transformations on streams, or "unbounded sequence[s] of tuples", using the spout and bolt primitives.<ref></ref> Spouts are sources of streams. Bolts are single-step transformations on that stream. Spouts deliver streams to bolts. Bolts may manipulate those streams and deliver them as tuples to other bolts. Bolts can be grouped, which allows data to be pushed to a matching task. The complete set of stream transformations are called a topology.

Deployment Environment

Storm relies on ZooKeeper for coordinating the cluster.<ref></ref> The master node in the cluster is called "Nimbus".<ref></ref> Storm topologies may be deployed to Amazon Web Services using the Storm-Deploy project. Storm topologies may also be tested and executed locally using Maven.

Sample Projects

External Links


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