Kino web

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Conceptual idea

The idea behind Kinow is same as KinoE but applied to general Web resources with and LOD annotations.


The following is a fragment from the page source of Yahoo flickr photo upload API description (online, Retrieved 09/26/2011).

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		<dd>The file to upload.</dd>

		<dt><code>title</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>The title of the photo.</dd>

		<dt><code>description</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>A description of the photo. May contain some limited HTML.</dd>

		<dt><code>tags</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>A space-seperated list of tags to apply to the photo.</dd>

		<dt><code>is_public, is_friend, is_family</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes. Specifies who can view the photo.</dd>

		<dt><code>safety_level</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>Set to 1 for Safe, 2 for Moderate, or 3 for Restricted.</dd>

		<dt><code>content_type</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>Set to 1 for Photo, 2 for Screenshot, or 3 for Other.</dd>
		<dt><code>hidden</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>Set to 1 to keep the photo in global search results, 2 to hide from public searches.</dd>

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The same fragment, with SA-REST annotations, is as follows.

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 <div class="domain-rel" title="sarest:InputMessage">

		<dt class="domain-rel" title="sarest:Parameter"><code class="domain-rel" class="">photo</code></dt>
		<dd>The file to upload.</dd>

		<dt class="domain-rel" title="sarest:Parameter"><code>title</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>The title of the photo.</dd>

		<dt class="domain-rel" title="sarest:Parameter"><code>description</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>A description of the photo. May contain some limited HTML.</dd>

		<dt class="domain-rel" title="sarest:Parameter"><code>tags</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>A space-seperated list of tags to apply to the photo.</dd>

		<dt class="domain-rel" title="sarest:Parameter"><code>is_public, is_friend, is_family</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes. Specifies who can view the photo.</dd>

		<dt class="domain-rel" title="sarest:Parameter"><code>safety_level</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>Set to 1 for Safe, 2 for Moderate, or 3 for Restricted.</dd>

		<dt class="domain-rel" title="sarest:Parameter"><code>content_type</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>Set to 1 for Photo, 2 for Screenshot, or 3 for Other.</dd>
		<dt class="domain-rel" title="sarest:Parameter"><code>hidden</code> (optional)</dt>
		<dd>Set to 1 to keep the photo in global search results, 2 to hide from public searches.</dd>
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The full documents are available here